Hi There Beserkers! Happy Wednesday, hoping your day has been good!!
As some of you may remember a month ago was Bat Appreciation Day, and of course we had to do something to help our friends over at Stonedeaf Wildlife!!

Together, every one of you who bought a Golden Bat raffle ticket helped us raise $2393.54 for Stonedeaf on Bat Appreciation Day!!
How incredible is that?! We are so happy to be able to help the microbats and flying foxes at Stonedeaf who need our help! Of course think you to all of our amazing Beserkers and community, we wouldn't have been able to do this without you and we are so grateful for all of the donations we received for Stonedeaf!
Here's a message from Phil from Stonedeaf -
"Thank you so much guys! We are wanting to buy incubators for the babies and sick bats. They are about $1500 each and we might get a small transportable one for car journeys. We also will purchase milk supplies. The macropod milk for joeys is $250 for 10 kilos these days!
Much appreciated and thank you!"
- Phil
We cannot help but say again how grateful we are for all who supported this amazing cause to help out our friends at Stonedeaf on Bat Appreciation Day! Remember you can always donate to Stonedeaf by using your army points online with us or go to Stonedeaf's website here -
https://www.stonedeafwildlife.org/donate to donate, voluenterr or just share their cause on social media!

Thank you to all of you and be sure to Stay Spooky!!

- Beserk xx
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