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We are the weirdos, Mister.

The Craft is a 1996 American supernatural horror film starring Robin Tunney, Fairuza Balk, Neve Campbell, and Rachel True. The film's plot centres on a group of four outcast teenage girls living in Los Angeles and attending high school together. The girls pursue witchcraft for their own gain, but very soon they encounter negative repercussions, which quickly proves to be the ruin of one of them and a harsh learning experience for the other three. Every action has a consequence, right? Rule 3 of Wicca states that one's behaviour, whether positive or negative, will return to the person threefold. 

At her new school, Sarah Bailey forms a friendship with a group of girls considered outcasts for one reason or another and rumoured to be witches. At the same time, Sarah becomes attracted to the popular Chris Hooker. Her new friends Bonnie, Nancy and Rochelle worship a powerful deity named "Manon". Sarah already exhibited supernatural powers, and her new friends believe that she will complete their coven, making them all-powerful. When Sarah is harassed by a vagrant with a snake (whom she had encountered before in her new house), he is immediately hit by a car and the girls believe that together they willed it to happen. It is also revealed that Sarah has attempted suicide in the past. 

After a date with Chris, Sarah is upset to find that he has spread a false rumour that they have had sex and she was terrible in bed. When Sarah confronts him, he treats her disrespectfully in front of his friends. In response, Sarah casts a love spell upon him. In turn, Rochelle casts a revenge spell on hateful yet popular racist bully Laura Lizzie, Bonnie casts a spell for beauty and Nancy for Money. It very soon becomes clear that the spells have been successful: Chris becomes infatuated with Sarah, scars that Bonnie has on her back miraculously heal, and Rochelle's racist bully, Laura, begins to lose her hair. Nancy goes further by causing her stepfather to have a heart attack and die. This enables Nancy and her mother to cash in on his life insurance policy and move out of the trailer park they had been living in and into a luxurious high rise apartment.

Nancy becomes greedy for power and encourages the others to join her in a rite called "Invocation of the Spirit". On completion of the spell, she is struck by lightning. Afterwards, she lacks empathy and begins taking risks with her life and those of others. The spells that the girls have cast soon begin to show negative consequences: Bonnie becomes aggressively narcissistic; Rochelle finds Laura Lizzie traumatized by her baldness and sobbing hysterically; Chris attempts to rape Sarah when she rejects his continual advances. In supposed retaliation, Nancy uses a glamour spell to make herself look like Sarah, attempting to fool Chris into having sex with her. She is interrupted by the real Sarah who tells Nancy to leave with her but it becomes obvious that Nancy has unrequited feelings for Chris. Upset at being fooled, Chris tells Nancy that she is jealous. Nancy then uses her power to kill Chris by throwing him out of a window.

Sarah performs a binding spell to prevent Nancy from doing more harm, but this does not work and the coven turns on Sarah. They invade her dreams, threaten her and use their powers of illusion to make Sarah believe that her father and stepmother have been killed in a plane accident. They torment her with visions of swarms of snakes, insects and rats, as well as making her believe she is responsible for Chris's and her mother's death when giving birth to her, trying to persuade her to commit suicide, before Nancy cuts Sarah's wrists herself. Although she is initially terrified, Sarah successfully "invokes the spirit" and is able to heal herself and fight back. She scares off Bonnie and Rochelle by bringing their worst fears to life, and defeats Nancy, binding her power to prevent her from doing harm. Bonnie and Rochelle, finding they suddenly no longer have powers, go to Sarah to try to find out why, and to attempt reconciliation with her, only to find that Sarah now wants nothing more to do with them and that "Manon" has taken away their powers for abusing them. Nancy, whose powers have also been taken away, is committed to a psychiatric hospital. The movie's final scene shows her in a hospital gown, strapped to a bed, scratches on her face, moaning "I'm flying!" over and over again in despair.


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