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This year, Beserk is showing our commitment to protect the planet for future generations by registering for Earth Hour 2019, on Saturday 30th March, between 8.30pm - 9.30pm (AEST).

We strongly encourage all our loyal customers to get involved. 🙂 You can register HERE 

earth hour official

You too can do your small bit for our biosphere! More information can be found below or by visiting the official site HERE.

Earth Hour is more than just lights out - it’s a symbol of our commitment to be part of the solution to climate change.

switch off

It's never been a more important time to take action on climate change. Based on current government reports, Australia will fail to meet its 2015 Paris Agreement targets. Australia’s emissions have been rising for the past four years, and we will reduce emissions by only 7% by 2030. These targets are not adequate to limit global warming to 2 °C, let alone 1.5 °C.

We don't have a moment to lose!

brisbane earth hour 

It's our time to step up and protect our plants and animals from the impacts of anthropomorphic (man-made) climate change. A future for our country without the Great Barrier Reef, or koalas, is unimaginable and inexcusable.

climate change is real

It's our time to step up and protect our plants and animals from the impacts of anthropomorphic (man-made) climate change. A future for our country without the Great Barrier Reef, or koalas, is unimaginable and inexcusable.

Please note:

Between 8.30pm - 9.30pm (AEST) our store will be offline in support of our biodiversity. During this time customers will be unable to place orders. The website will be re-enabled at 9.31pm. If you are in the middle of placing an order (items in your cart, or during checkout), you will be unable to complete your order until this. Beserk apologises for any inconvenience caused by this. 🙂🙂🙂

Beserk xx ❤️❤️

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