The Dark Crystal Merchandise
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The Dark Crystal Merchandise

The Dark Crystal, Jim Henson's masterpiece! From the scary Skeksis to the adorable feisty Fizzgig. This movie was a mystical fantasy like no other, and we have some awesome officially licensed merchandise from this incredible movie.

The Dark Crystal - Board Game

You decide the fate of Jen and Kira, and whether they manage to find the Shard and heal the Dark Crystal! This amazing Dark Crystal Board Game is based on the classic 1982 film by Jim Henson. Get lost in the magic of the game, which can be played by up to 3 people on the 2' × 2' game board.  It's lavishly illustrated with inspiring new artwork and features all the legendary places from the movie, including Aughra’s Observatory, the Valley of the Stones and the Crystal Castle.

The Dark Crystal Game

The Dark Crystal Playing Cards


Dark Crystal Jen

The Dark Crystal follows the story of Jen, 
raised by the noble race called the Mystics, who has been told that he is the last survivor of his own race, the Gelflings. He then sets out to try to find a shard of the dark crystal, a powerful gem that once provided balance to the universe. After the crystal was broken, the evil Skeksis used sinister means to gain control of the world. Jen believes that he can repair the dark crystal and bring peace back to the world, if he can only find the remaining shard.

The Dark Crystal World

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