Shop WICK’ETY WACK | Candles in Australia - Beserk
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Purple AF | HAIR COLOUR [236ml]


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Beserk | Gift Voucher


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Virgin Pink | HAIR COLOUR [236ml]


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Original Deluxe [SMALL] | CUSTOM FANGS


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Juniper Green | HAIR DYE


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Aquamarine | HAIR COLOUR [236ml]


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Poison | HAIR COLOUR [236ml]


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Wrath | HAIR COLOUR [236ml]


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Purple AF | HAIR COLOUR [118ml]


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Wick'ety Wack started with 8 treacherous months of trial and error after continuously being disappointed buying candles at high prices with a lack of aroma and deciding to embark on a journey to fulfil their ability to create the ambience they so desperately craved. Through their attempts to achieve the best scent throwing candles, they eventually created a soy candle that could fill a whole house with the desired aromas they'd been searching for. Once combined with their creative colouring techniques, Wick'ety Wack was born.

We stock a range of products from Wick'ety Wack including candles, bath bombs, car diffusers, melt blocks, shower gels and more! With a range of flavours and scents to choose from including Wild Raspberry Donut, Australian Bush, Vanilla Ice Cream and Bubblegum! Use their products for all sorts of occasions. Had a hard day at work? Put on a beautifully scented candle of your choice, while you relax in the bath with a luxurious bath bomb courtesy of Wick'ety Wack. Or maybe it's Valentine's day and you want to spoil your significant other with a bottle of wine, candles, roses... Well, we've got the candles just for you!

Join us here at Beserk while we celebrate individuality and creative living with Wick'ety Wack's amazing range of highly scented bath bombs and candles alike!

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