How to - Bleach Kits by Manic Panic GUIDE
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How to - Bleach Kits by Manic Panic GUIDE


If used incorrectly, bleach can severely damage your hair.  We strongly recommend that all instructions are followed carefully to ensure correct results.

Beserk offers a range of hair dyes and semi-permanent colours to help you achieve the hair colour you desire! Now we have the Manic Panic Flash Lightning Bleach Kitwe want to add a little guide on the do's and don'ts of at home bleaching. 

We always recommend you read all instructions carefully and follow each step as required. Please note that bleach can severely damage hair if not applied correctly, we recommend completing a strand test on your hair before final application. 

How To Bleach Hair at Home Safely -


Bleaching hair is the most important step to creating a colourful hair style so we always recommend to pre-lighten (bleach) your hair before applying any colorful hair dyes. Everyone has different hair and different hair care routines. Please keep this in mind when bleaching your hair as results will vary from person to person depending on the thickness and health of the hair.

The MANIC PANIC FLASH LIGHTNING bleach kit was designed for pre-lightening hair before using MANIC PANIC vegan semi-permanent hair colors. Everything you need to lighten your hair is in this kit. Please follow the instructions carefully. We strongly recommend doing a strand test prior to application. (Take one strand of hair and follow instructions.) 

❤️ Do's and Don'ts ❤️


- Start at the end of your hair and work your way up towards the roots. Avoid bleaching 2 inches from the roots until your hair is covered, then go back in and apply bleach to the roots to avoid over bleaching the roots as a result of the heat from your head combined with it being fresh virgin hair. 
- Section your hair out into 4 sections with clips or hair ties. Start with a back section and take a small layer of hair from the bottom of the section. Make sure each section you dye is thin enough for the bleach to penetrate and process on all of your hair. 
- Use the provided tools for mixing and applying the bleach. 
- Take your time, but be conscious of how long your hair has been processing. If you are taking your time to ensure full coverage, think about bleaching your hair in halves to ensure you do not over bleach one side of your hair. 
- Prepare by reading all instructions carefully and seeking advice from professionals if you are unsure what to do. 



- Do NOT wash your hair BEFORE bleaching. Stripping your hair of it's natural oils will result in you frying your hair. 
- Do NOT USE METAL BRUSH! Do not use anything metal when mixing or applying the bleach. Avoid metal clips too.
- Do NOT try to lather bleach. Bleach is a PASTE, not a lather. You will need to apply this to your hair thoroughly or you will end up with patches. 
- Do NOT leave this in for longer than the recommended time. 

- Do NOT apply bleach to your face or body. 

Please remember to always take care when applying bleach, if irritation occurs discontinue use. If irritation continues after removing the bleach, see a doctor. 
We do not recommend bleaching at home without proper education first. 

❤️ STRAND TEST: Hair should be dry and unwashed! ❤️

Highlighting and bleaching results depend on the color and condition of the hair. A strand test is recommended to give you a better idea about the end results and to avoid any complications with the actual process. Put on the plastic gloves and prepare the strand test mixture in the plastic bowl provided: 

1. Open the Flash Lightning® bleach powder bag and mix one part powder to three parts developer. Mix well using the tint brush provided in the kit. 

2. Your hair should be clean and dry. Comb to remove any tangles. Pull one strand of hair from behind your ear to perform the strand test. 

3. Apply the mixture to the hair test strand avoiding direct contact with the scalp, making sure the test strand does not touch the rest of your hair. 

4. Check hair at regular intervals during the development process as timing varies according to the degree of desired lightening. 

5. Check strand every 10 minutes to evaluate lift. To do so, remove plastic cap and wipe away mixture with a damp tissue. 

6. If hair has not reached desired level, reapply mixture as before and continue processing. Do not over-bleach. 

7. When desired shade is reached, shampoo hair thoroughly several times. Rinse thoroughly and towel dry hair. 

8. Discard any leftover mixture. Thoroughly rinse and dry the mixing bowl prior to actual application.

❤️ APPLICATION: Hair should be dry and unwashed! ❤️

1. Wearing the enclosed gloves, open the bleach plastic bag. Avoid inhaling powder. 

2. Empty the full contents of the bleach powder into the plastic tub provided . 

3. Add the full contents of the developer to the bleach powder in the plastic tub. Using the provided brush, blend until all the powder is completely dissolved with no lumps. Mix and blend until the mixture is smooth and creamy. Let stand one minute. The mixture will thicken. 

4. Apply the mixture to the hair avoiding direct contact with the scalp. 

5. Check strand every 10 minutes to evaluate lift. To do so, remove plastic cap and wipe away mixture with a damp tissue. 

6. If hair has not reached desired level, reapply mixture as before and continue processing. Do not over-bleach. 

7. When desired shade is reached, shampoo hair thoroughly several times. Rinse thoroughly and towel dry hair. 

8. Discard any leftover mixture.

Once you are finished, you have the freedom to go any colour with your hair!

Find the Manic Panic Flash Lightning Bleach Kits here and start your adventure today!

While we try to answer most of your questions regarding hair colour processing, we encourage you to do your own research regarding these matters. Information given in this page serve as a guide only, not gospel.

For a video tutorial on how to use this bleach, go here >>>

Beserk xx

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