Project Numbat + Beserk
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Project Numbat + Beserk


Hey guys, Beserk is so excited to have taken part in an amazing Australian community group calledProject Numbat by signing up for a corporate membership and donating money towards Project Numbat’s awesome cause and to help out the adorable critically endangered Numbat. We are so proud to be a part of this cause to help out native Australian wildlife as well as supportingProject Numbat

Pro Numbat

What is Project Numbat? -

Project Numbat is an Australian incorporated community group, established 2006, that has promoted awareness of the Australian Numbat and its conservation by assisting Numbat Recovery Program objectives including:

  • Habitat management
  • Population monitoring
  • Feral predator control
  • Education and awareness programs 
  • Fundraising for Numbat conservation

About Numbats - 

The Numbat, also known as the banded anteater, is a small endangered marsupial native to parts of Australia. They have a long sticky tongue to help them pick up termites, which is the main source of their diet. Unfortunately, the Numbat is under threat from habitat loss and introduced predators like foxes and feral cats. With an estimated population ofless than 1,000 Numbats,Project Numbat needs your help to protect and ensure the future of this unique and adorable marsupial!



How we can help? -

Project Numbat values their partnerships withPerth Zoo, theNumbat Recovery Team, theDepartment of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions and of course all its members and supporters. To help and supportProject Numbat’scause there are many simple ways to do so, you can become a member like us, for as little as $20 for a year, or donate to the cause if at all possible, every dollar counts! If these aren’t possible you can still support this amazing cause by following them on Facebook or checking out their website at: and their photo gallery to follow along the cause and journey to protect these awesome aussie critters. 


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