Stonedeaf Wildlife
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Stonedeaf Wildlife

We would like to personally introduce you to Phil and Tara, the founders and show runners of Stonedeaf Wildlife!


Based in North Queensland, Phil and Tara have always been avid lovers of flora and fauna, choosing to become a part of the North Queensland Wildlife Care Inc where they were able to successfully start rescuing and rehabilitating wildlife. With such a strong appreciation for nature, they still continue to support North Queensland Wildlife Care on top of their daily tasks!




Stonedeaf Wildlife was originally founded to ease the suffering of the flying foxes in North Queensland, eventually providing help to animals of all walks of life. They rescue animals within a 200 km radius, rehabilitating them to release them back to the region they came from.

Surrounded by native trees, Phil and Tara's own backyard is a sanctuary for rescued animals.  They also have extra hides all around the yard for possums to come and go. 

They are not quite at capacity, but certainly have been in the past.  Thankfully they have a lot of very appreciated help over the years from friends and volunteers to help them provide much needed care to the sick and injured animals.

At the time of writing, they currently have 14 Black Flying Foxes, 2 Brushtail Possums and 1 Kreffts Turtle in their care.

Phil and Tara will generally rescue any wildlife that is in need within the area.  Lately their focus has been on providing care specifically for the bats.  Rescuing and caring for bats can be extremely costly, so Phil and Tara are very conscious of considering all resources so they give as many bats as possible the best quality of care they can.


When asked a few direct questions, Phils responses were heart warming! 

Firstly he would like everyone to know that the absolute highlight to this job is finally seeing the animals being returned to the wild, that is the goal of course! This provides such joy for Phil and Tara that they will continue to help as much as they can!

What is your favourite part of the day at the sanctuary? 
"My favourite part of the day would be feeding the squadron!! Watching them eat their fruit and use their drippers... Extremely intelligent and sheer comedy to watch."

Do you have any particular cases of animals being rescued that are close to your heart? 
"Two particular animals are special to us. We had a Northern Quoll in care which are endangered and brought it back to health and released him to his region, also a Koala in a rural area being attacked by cats...We caught her and moved her to a nearby area and released her to continue in peace!"


I asked Phil about the Beserk for Bats charity T-Shirts and his relationship with the owner of Beserk and this was his response - "Fleur from Beserk has been a great long term friend as has Cameron. These amazing people offered to do a shirt to help raise much needed money to support the continued care and support for wildlife in our region! The shirts donations have been amazing and we appreciate everyone's support!"


Phil had a closing statement that I'd love to share with you!

"The Beserk family - I'm very privileged to have this friendship and overwhelmed with the kindness shown to myself and the animals!! I can't really write the emotions other then "Love you mad pair!" and to all the people who have bought a shirt or liked a post - Thank you!! Australians are very privileged with our flora and fauna and must respect it and maintain it for our future generations to see and cherish.

Many thanks, I have to go make milk up for the little baby batties!"

Find their Facebook page here -

Get your hands on one of these Beserk For Bats T-Shirts now! 

For Ladies shirts CLICK HERE

For Mens shirtsCLICK HERE


Beserk xx

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